Wednesday 29 December 2010

We're Nothing Short Of Invincible.

Today has been pretty nice; Nice calm days. I love having pretty lazy days.

Woke up, and I think I said in my bed listening to music, doing pretty much nothing but lying there. Not sure why, but that seems to be the way I start my days in the holidays. But, eventually, I got up and showered and all that, and went out for a trek to try and find a shop that sells turkish delight thats not coated in chocolate.
If you care then, Morrisons, The Shell Garage and a small shop do not sell it. But Tesco does, so yeah. I cycled around a lot, but found some ;D.

Took it back to Louise's and we watched Toy Story 3 after not seeing it in the summer, it's been too many years waiting to see that film. Then stayed there and such, had dinner with the lovely Louise and her family. Then timothy has decided to come home with me for a few days while Louise is sent off to Scotland for New Years.

I honestly should be doing work but I really can't be bothered. Oh well. I've got places for New Years but no where that I actually want to go to yet, Which sucks but oh well ;D.
Left my lava lamp on all day and its bubbling like a beast;).

I've had THIS SONG in my head all day. Dead annoying, but I've had it on repeat most of the day as well. I have no idea why I like it, but I do. So yeah.

It's made me want to go out. Really bad.
Only a few days till 2011 (Y).
Are you ready?;).

I'll update tomorrow people, Enjoy your evening.

Here is my wall of train tickets(;

How do you sleep at night? Do you toss and turn, and Pray for morning? (How do you sleep at night? - Nural)

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