Friday 11 February 2011

What Sends You To War.


Sorry I haven't posted recently, exams and stuff. Although, I'm not going to say I was revising because that is a massive lie, hence I've probably failed a few exams this week. It's not that important, and the only one that has mattered was a real German exam, which went pretty well.

Exams are dead boring, although I have been able to have so much time off. Unlike most other people, I don't have a full day this week at all because I take Music & Art. Such a win. Despite that, I still didn't revise for anything and therefore probably failed.

The week has been alright I guess.. Strange in a few ways, but still. Tuesday had to have the best lunch I've had in a while, with: pizza, chips, bacon toast and the such. And then playing around at dougs on his xbox and drums and stuff(Y). That was pretty awesome, but apart from that, I've just been going home early. Wednesday, I went to school. Did an hour of chemistry and was coming home on a train at like 1040. It was pretty awesome, went out and saw alec(Y). He's pretty awesome, and a lovely guy. We raved it up a bit and such.

Sorry that I am just updating you with really boring and mundane things but I haven't really done anything interesting recently. Oh well.

'Lying, encased in water, she held onto the wisps of breathe that entangled her throat. Desperation ran from her bloodshot eyes, she felt like nothing. His smile never left her mind; War never leaves the heart.'
-The Diary Of Those Lost From War.

Okay, I'm walking along in Reading writing this, and it's raining. Dead hard. Not good><. I'm also slightly late for my history exam, so this day has went well so far. ;D Also, I remembered that my bike is broken again, so that fails.

Oh well. I'll post later on. Wish me luck in the exams I get to fail today(Y).


Ps again, sorry for the boring post.

You won't remain.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

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